Chocolate Cake

Hazel received a Green Mountain Trek from Santa this past Christmas. You’ll notice from the video, that this particular Trek is Pink, one of Hazel’s favorite colors. The team is very lucky to have partners like, The Smokestack BBQ Supply Store, they are pretty much game for whatever crazy ideas we come up with, thanks to those guys for finding someone to customize Hazel’s first BBQ Grill. She’s and probably I are going to get a lot of use out of it.

We had a blast cooking up these Chocolate Cakes, turns out Hazel is a natural in front of the camera, I’m still working on it. I intentionally picked a simple recipe so she and I could familiarize ourselves with the new cooker. These turned out GREAT! The molten lava centers were absolutely perfect and the cakes themselves were not too rich. I do not recommend however cooking them when the temperature outside is less than zero, that was rather uncomfortable and with an uninsulated smoker we struggled to retain heat but in the end BBQ prevailed and we were rewarded for our efforts.


We Did a Podcast!